
Tuesday, March 25, 2014

NWA History Centre Hosts Red Wing MN EAA Group

l-r Marv Kuchera, Denny Ahern, EAA Chapter 1518 president Ed Whitman,
 Paul Swanstrom, Pete Sigterman

A jovial Redwing MN EAA Chapter 1518 "flew" into the NWA History Centre on Saturday morning, March 1, and spent several hours checking out the many displays and swapping stories with NWAHC volunteers.
Anne Kerr signs copy of Fujiyama Trays & Oshibori Towels for Denny Ahern
Bob Johnson, museum volunteer left, with Marv Kuchera
Volunteers Betty Buresh, Carol Hall, Flo Dryer and Anne Kerr enjoyed the visitors from Red Wing
Ed Whitman, Denny Ahern and Marv Kuchera seem totally absorbed in a NWA video
 NWAHC volunteer Warren Nentwig shows Pete Sigterman and Paul Swanstrom something of interest

President Ed Whitman shares a brief explanation of Young Eagles activities:

Young Eagles is a program started by the national EAA organization in 1992 to promote and encourage youth and young adult participation in aviation activities.
Free airplane rides are offered to youths ages 8 to 17 with parental/guardian consent. Upon completion of their flight theYoung Eagles are offered four additional benefits to increase their experience.
Free student membership (till their 19th birthday) in the EAA organization including a subscription to Sports Aviation Magazine.
Free online ground school sponsored by Sporty’s Pilot Shop which will prepare them for the FAA written exam,the first step in obtaining a Private Pilot’s license.
Free First Flying Lesson - Youth ages 13 and up who have completed at least one portion of the ground school are eligible for a certificate good for up to $120 towards their first flight lesson at any flight school.
Scholarships - Participants may be eligible for flighttraining and college scholarships.
All of these benefits are available just by taking a free Young Eagles flight.
In addition to the Young Eagles Program, this fall EAA will be launching the “Eagles Program” for adults interested in the experience of a flight in a general aviation aircraft. This program will be similar to the one for youths.

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