
Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Bob Reardon's 90th Birthday Party ~ Thanks for the Photos, Richard Moody!

A gathering of former Pursers to mark the occasion.
l-r  Bruce Retrum, Bob, Richard Moody, Lou Reynolds 
Look at the blaze!  That's a lot of candles, Bob.
I love the message on Bob's cake:  "Robert is 90! Happy Birthday! Otherwise All is Lovely & Serene"

All the well-wishers at Bob's 90th . . .

. . . plus Lady Skywriter and countless others who have flown with you 
and admire your style, as you continue your 63rd year in the air, Bob!

Keep Flyin' High and Having Fun

1 comment:

  1. Men's birthday party celebrated here is such a lovely one. Kid's carnival at one of the spacious event halls for rent are a talk of town now days. It was a gala grand happening evening with best of arrangements. Though the tickets were expensive but worth the pretty day enjoyed by all of us. Looking forward for another one.
