Ice Pilots NWT

Photo courtesy of Buffalo Airways
I tried to find a listing for Ice Pilots NWT, but no luck. It was broadcast on CBC, and the only way stateside folks might snag it would be with a satellite dish.
Then I learned it would be broadcast on The History Channel and alas, my cable company moved the H.C. to a more expensive cable tier. I was still out of luck.
However I found their website and enjoyed reading about Buffalo Airways and its intrepid leader "Buffalo Joe."
Imagine my surprise when my son told me Ice Pilots NWT is now being shown on The Weather Channel (which I get) on Monday evenings at 8 Central and 9 Eastern time.
Now the only hitch in my getalong is that I work at the library until 8:15 and don't get home until 8:30.
Oh well, half of Ice Pilots is better than no Ice Pilots, any day.
Tune in, you old DC-4 people! You, too, might get hooked.
Hi there!
You might be interested to know that The Ice Pilots book just came out. It's by a fabulous Canadian writer named Mike Vlessides, and is a compelling read!
I also like to watch different shows or series after work in the evening. I've newer heard about this Ice Pilots NWT reality TV show but I will pay attention now. I will also check the review of Rush my essay and maybe will find some more information about it. Thank you for sharing!
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