Resplendent in their vintage uniforms are l-r: Mary Ann Gallagher, Bill Marchessault,
Bob Reardon, Fay Kulenkamp, Maggie McMahon.
June 11, 2011, the NWA History Centre paid homage to Donald W. Nyrop, president and C.E.O of Northwest Airlines from 1954-1978. Mr. Nyrop died in November, 2010, at 98 years old.
The photos tell it all.
Over 80 folks gathered at the museum to hear about Donald Nyrop's life and his career. Moderator was Norm Midthun, retired NWA Captain and personal friend of Mr. Nyrop.
Norm Midthun and Anne (Lady Skywriter) Kerr as she related the story of how Nyrop
tended bar in a Stratocruiser and his bar bank was $1 short.
Nancy Nyrop Scherer talked about her dad. She said he made them remove all tags
from their suitcases except the current one, so as not to confuse the baggage handlers.
Marianne Blomquist, Mr. Nyrop's secretary the entire time he was with NWA, told many stories. One, about how the airline did business wih 9 different banks. One banker came to visit with Hank Greenberg in tow. Mr. Nyrop introduced Greenberg to Marianne and told him she was a huge baseball fan.Marianne was delighted.
Attendees included former NWA president John Horn, former VP Advertising, Bryan Moon, and many other NWA folks, entertaining everyone by recounting experiences they had with Donald Nyrop.
NWA History Centre board member Susan Rostkoski and Jean Carlson Schreier,
former NWA stewardess, helped guests at the event.
Cupcakes and candy treats sported a variety of NWA logos, thanks to Fay Kulenkamp.
Nancy Nyrop Scherer brought many iconic photos of Donald Nyrop and his family.
I wish I had room to show all of the folks who joined us on June 11, and could share all of their stories here.
There is good news, however. A DVD is available at the
NWA History Centre of the entire event. You may pick up your copy at the museum for $20.
And make reservations for the next event, August 6,2011, when NWA Orient Pioneers will be saluted. Just click on the NWA History Centre link above for more information.