Tonight's The Night! NWA History Centre on Public Television
Norm Midthun and Red Sutter being filmed for "Lost Twin Cities 4"
A reminder....
Lost Twin Cities 4 will premiere tonight, Wednesday, August 13th at 8:00 pm on tpt Channel 2. It will feature a segment about NWA in the 1950’s – the “luxurious” days of flying,
and how it transitioned into the jet-age of the l960’s and early 1970’s. It will be a pledge show—which means it is scheduled in a 2 hour block to accommodate pledges.
Telling the history of NWA and sharing their memories:
Jack El-Hai, Author: “Non – Stop” a Turbulent History of Northwest Airlines
Retired stewardesses: Anne B. Kerr and Fay Kulenkamp
Retired pilots: Homer “Red” Sutter and Norm Midthun
The Northwest Airlines segment of Lost Twin Cities 4 was filmed, by Twin Cities Public Television, at the NWA History Centre.
Currently scheduled airdates:
tpt Channel 2:
Wednesday, August 13th at 8:00 pm
Saturday, August 16th at 7:00 pm
Sunday, August 17th at 2:00 pm
tpt LIFE:
Sunday, August 17th at 8:00 pm
For any additional airdates and times, please check your local listings.
Labels: airline history, aviation history, Delta Air Lines, historic aircraft, North Central Airlines, Northwest Airlines, Northwest Airlines History, pilots, Republic Airlines, stewardesses, Stratocruiser
As promised, here is video of Boeing 377 Stratocruiser Giant RC Model in Flight
You can still find a Northwest Airlines B-377 Stratocruiser in the most surprising places . . .
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Lady Skywriter with NWA B-377 Stratocruiser photo by John Billingsley
. . . I found this one yesterday on a farm near Owatonna, Minnesota! Not only is it beautiful to the eye (that Northwest livery was the best!) but it also flew beautifully at the behest of its new owner, Jeff Quesenberry of Apple Valley, MN, who greased its landing to a huge round of applause.
All this took place yesterday at the 10th Anniversary gathering of SMMAC, Southern Minnesota Model Aircraft Club. There was every type and size of radio control aircraft on display and flying in demonstration flights. WW I and WW II dogfights, commercial airliners, military jets and the biggest R.C. model J-3 Cub I've ever seen.
There will be another huge regional show of Warbirds and Classics at Fond du Lac Wisconsin next weekend, August 15, 16 and 17.
This gorgeous giant scale NWA Boeing Stratocruiser with a wingspan of 15 ft. will be there, as will Carl Bachhuber, the talented man who designed and built her and dozens of his other "favorite airplanes."
If you can't make it to Fond du Lac, see my next post to enjoy video of NWA Ship 704 in flight. Labels: Boeing Stratocruiser, Fond du Lac Aeromodelers, Northwest Airlines, Northwest Airlines History, pilots, radio control airplanes, SMMAC, stewardesses
The History of Northwest Airlines
If you've got 15 minutes, take a gander at this 1980s promotional film produced by Northwest Airlines.