Welcome BITS AND PIECES Subscribers
Karen Schmit tells me there is a link to this website and blog in your latest newsletter. So happy to have you here. Enjoy! (And your feedback is especially requested and will be carefully considered.)

The new Boeing 747-8. I think I finally met the match for the B-377 Stratocruiser of the 1950s. Have a look at the future!
Wonder how large the cabin crew will be on this "heavenly hotel?" The entry-way reminds me of boarding the QE-II to sail to London in the late 1980s.
Thanks to Fay Kulenkamp, retired F/A, MSP, for forwarding this.
Now I will go back to working on an event to be held at the NWA History Centre on August 6, 2011, 1-3 p.m., which honors the NWA Orient Route Pioneers; flying the (fantastic for its time) DC-4, MSP to Tokyo - a 33-hour flight with at least two crew layovers.
$5.00 per person donation to attend the event. E-mail Mary Fryer, mcfryer@q.com to reserve your space. More on this in a later post.

NWA DC-4 in Tokyo, 1947

Nancy Rogers working the glamorous "4" on a MSP- Chicago Midway flight in 1957. Note the A/C system (small fans mounted to the overhead racks.
DC-4 to B-747-8 all in one blog post. We've come a long way, baby!